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Food Review: Vietnamese Baguette
I had this in Sydney a few years back when I was studying in Australia. I have never tasted anything like it before. The simple name for it is Vietnamese Bagguette. It is a street food that orginated from Vietnam during the French colonisation and what emerged from that era was a combination of western and vietnamese asian taste. Such a beautiful balance of tastes that teases your tastbuds. When I bit into it initially I could taste the the hams and patte, then slowly the tingle of chinese corriander and fish sauce started to set in. A western bagguette with chinese coriander and fish sauce! Strange but beautiful combination. I had been on the look out for it in Singapore since I came back. Recently I passed by a stall in Chinatown that claims to sell it. Judging from the ingredients I saw I decided to give it a go. It was 80% close to what I tasted in Sydney. I take comfort in knowing that I can find this in Singapore now. :)